
Our software allows to manage simply and effectively yours prospects

Categorize responses. Send a pre-registered message. And turn your prospects into customers.

Try Novalya for free
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Novalya - A tool that makes it easy message management. 

With a flow of 50 to 100 responses per week after prospecting, our tool will enable you to segment your prospect list by color and priority order to facilitate the sending of targeted messages.

Answer in  1 click. 

With a simple integration, save your favorite answers and reply to your prospects in 1 click. Forget about wasting time and repetition. It's all integrated.

Follow up your contacts without lifting a finger. 

Because a single message isn't enough, Novalya will help you create automatic reminders and get responses by the dozen.

Prospecting has never been so simple

Our software is easy to learn and use. Click on the button below to automate your prospecting and win unlimited customers.

Try Novalya free of charge